When the Levees Broke - Spike Lee HBO Joint

I caught one act of When the Levees Broke on HBO last weekend.  Despite visiting New Orleans in the past year and driving through the decimated Ninth Ward, the film's content and the way it was presented still amazed me.  My reaction was one of anger and tremendous disappointment towards our country and government.  The federal response has been disgusting and FEMA, part of that response, has shown complete incompetence.  The response from corporations involved - mostly insurance co's and local industry (oil) - has been one of apathy.  It's interesting that these same industies are typically connected with Republican groups.  Coincidence?  I doubt it.  After discussing it with several government loyalists, I have still yet to hear a strong argument to the contrary.  If ever there was a clear signal that the leadership of our country is in disarray, this event should be it.  New Orleans is one of America's truly special cities and this makes the situation even more tragic.  I'm currently researching Katrina relief organizations and determining what help I can provide.