Google movie-search provides fast and simple results, winks at Fandango/Moviefone

I don't know how new this is, but someone turned me onto Google Movies over the weekend, at oddly enough, and it's awesome!!  They give you all the key information you need to make a movie decision and they deliver it much more quickly than Fandango, Moviefone, Rotten Tomatoes or any of the other competitors in this space.  The presentation is ultra-simple very similar to the way Google presents search results.  They also provide simple user reviews with a universal rating system, a link to trailers hosted by Apple and a link to IMDb for more information on the film.  Best of all, it actually remembers your zip code so the next time you login, it presents all the theaters in your area automatically, something that should be simple, but seemed difficult for the others to accomplish.  Also, it shows every theater nearby versus just the ones with whom they've partnered (in the case of the others).  Sometimes the best innovations are the simplest.  In this case, it seems to me that Google has snickered at the competitors in this space and the millions they've invested by providing a simpler and more convenient solution.  It's true that they don't provide ticket purchasing, but I'll still use this page for my default movie listings.